
We know that we have responsibilities towards the ecosystem we operate in as Ecopol and we believe in doing our part for a better, livable future.

We focus on efficiency and sustainability in all our processes, from R&D to supply, production to logistics. Because we know that development and higher quality of life can only be achieved in this way.

We help our partners fulfill their social responsibilities thanks to our understanding of innovation, which is based on minimizing waste and carbon emission by using our resources more efficiently without compromising performance. Optimizing our portfolio and action plans with this perspective to keep them up-to-date is one of our constant goals.

We assess the economic, social, and ecological impacts of our actions with a holistic view of sustainability and take actions accordingly.

Sustainable Collaborations

Our priority is sustainable and efficient options in every process, from the supply of raw materials to the delivery of our products.

Smart Choices

We identify the needs of our customers accurately and present them the sustainable equivalent products that do the job just as well, if not better.

Continuous Improvement

We regularly review our workflow, run research and development to minimize our environmental impact.

Quality Policy

 ECOPOL KİMYA has adopted the principle of providing reliable and seamless products to its customers by utilizing advanced technology and modern engineering solutions in production, along with its expert management team and personnel.

Our employees, who embrace teamwork and work with dedication, are the foundation of our quality. The continuity of our quality is ensured by our meticulous work and the services we provide.

In all departments, we strive for continuous improvement and enhancement by fulfilling applicable requirements, considering customer satisfaction as our primary objective, complying with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Standard, and continuously improving its effectiveness. This is our “Quality Policy.”

Environmental Policy

To comply with and ensure the currency of environmental legislation in our country.Achieve measurable continuous improvement in all possible areas related to the environment. Identify environmental dimensions and determine the types and damages of environmental impacts. Minimize pollution and waste and ensure the environmentally sound disposal of hazardous waste. Provide continuous training to employees and contractors and encourage them to implement these principles. Establish and review objectives and targets annually, and to communicate progress. Continuously improve our environmental management system in line with these principles. These principles will be communicated to the public using available communication channels and will be open to public opinion. Management will continuously monitor the implementation of the environmental policy and objectives it has committed to.


Occupational Health and Safety policy

ECOPOL KİMAY will embrace “Continuous Improvement” and be open to interested parties in order to adapt to change and grow.

Occupational Health and Safety is the responsibility of all ECOPOL Chemical employees.

Responsibility and authority for complying with laws, regulations, and other Occupational Health and Safety requirements will be shared among all employees.

Occupational Health and Safety at ECOPOL Chemical is as important as our other business objectives.

All accidents are preventable and should be prevented. There is always a safer way to do every job.

It is essential to effectively implement the ISO 45001 Standard and continuously build and improve individual awareness of Occupational Health and Safety through training.

All internal and external resources at ECOPOL Chemical will be used in the most accurate and beneficial way to provide an efficient, safe, and healthy working environment, enable effective communication, enhance individual performance, and reward experience and success.

Within the scope of Occupational Health and Safety, necessary conditions will be provided for the consultation and participation of our employees, employee representatives, and suppliers visiting our facilities.

All Occupational Health and Safety hazards and risks arising from our activities will be identified, root causes will be examined, and preventive measures and programs will be implemented resolutely to reduce these risks to the lowest acceptable level. Practices will be results-oriented and continuously questioned and improved.

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